Board Meeting
We had our first board meeting on Sunday, June 4th at our San Francisco office.
Blue Humming Therapy (BHT) is a diverse nonprofit mental health organization that strives to achieve real diversity, balance, and integration in order to offer the best quality counseling service and thoughtful support for our clients an communities.
Our board members have unique backgrounds. Their cultures, ethnicities, ages, and experiences are very different. Some of our board members grew up in local California, have experience living in different countries, or immigrated to US. BHT clinicians are also very diverse and experienced, having different specialties and approaches.
Our board members appreciate the talents and resources at BHT, and they are very happy about the opportunity that we create for our clients and communities by integrating ourselves and cultivating new culture to improve our services.

Our board members enjoy sharing their ideas and exchange their knowledge and experiences. I am very happy to see their openness and strong belief that "People are the most important resources of BHT."
I am blessed to be able to feel that I am valuable, and appreciate being part of this community.